
We have published the following high quality books that address business and technical issues in the emerging market place:

Computer Aided Strategic Planning for Digital Enterprises:
Concepts, Methodology and a Toolset for Digital Transformation (Next Generation Enterprises), A.Umar
Publication Date: Jun 1, 2020 More Details
Enterprise Architectures and Integration Using SOA:
Concepts, Methodology and a Toolset by Amjad Umar
Publication Date: Jan 5, 2010 More Details
Mobile computing and Wireless Communications
Applications, Networks, Platforms, Architectures and Security, A.Umar
Publication Date: July 2004 More Details
Third Generation Distributed Computing Environments
Middleware, Platforms and web Services, A. Umar
Publication Date: August 2004 More Details
Information Security and Auditing in the Digital Age
A Practical and Managerial Perspective, A. Umar,
Publication Date: December 2003, Revised: August 2004 More Details
E-Business and Third Generation Distributed Systems Handbook
A. Umar. this handbook has been published as the following modules that can be purchased individually
Publication Date: May 2003 More Details

These Books are currently being Used for University courses and professional training around the globe. for addition details about these books click here

These books are available from, Barnes & Noble and other online book sellers. To locate these books, search for "Amjad Umar" at Amazon or other bookseller sites.

Recent and Relevant Research Papers

  1. Umar, A., “A Digital Transformation Lab for Developing Countries and Small to Medium Enterprises”, IEEE Conference on Technology and Engineering Management, March 2022

  2. Umar, A., “Training and Education for Smart Cities, Communities and Enterprises Using ISEM Concept”, IEEE Conference on Technology and Engineering Management

  3. Umar, A., “Computer Aided Strategic Planning for Rapid Deployment of Manufacturing 4.0”, UN ICT4SIDS Report, June 2021.

  4. Umar, A. "A Software Factory in the Cloud for Pandemics and other Disasters – Initial Results and Future Directions" IEEE Cloud Computing Conference, Oct 2020.

  5. Umar, A., “Computer Aided Strategic Planning for Rapid Deployment of Blue Economies”, UN ICT4SIDS Report, Oct. 2020

  6. Umar, A. and Darr, E.," Graduate Studies in Information Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM) for Digital Enterprises", IEEE Conference on Technology and Engineering Management, June 2018

  7. Umar, A., “Computer Aided Planning, Engineering and Management for Minigrids in Developing Countries”, short research working paper, sept 2018

  8. Cosgun, O. and Umar, A., "Smart Resource Allocation Advisor in the Cloud for COVID-19 and Other Pandemics", IEEE Cloud Summit, Oct 2020

  9. Umar, A., “Smart Collaborating Hubs and a Smart Global Village – An Alternative Perspective on Smart Islands, Towns and Cities”, IEEE Conference on Technology and Engineering Management, June 2018

  10. Umar, A., “Computer Aided Strategic Planning for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Dec 2017

  11. Umar, A., “Computer Aided Strategic Planning, Engineering and Management for Global eServices”, Published in IEEE International Technology Management Conference, Dallas, Texas, USA, June 2012

  12. Umar, A. and Ivanoski, I,”Computer Aided Strategic Planning for eGovernment Agility”, Invited Paper, AAAI Symposium on “AI and Business Agility”, Stanford University, March 2011

  13. Umar, A., and Zordan, A., “Enterprise Ontologies for Planning and Integration of eBusiness”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, May 2009, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 352-371.

  14. Umar, A. and Zordan, A., “Integration Versus Migration Issues in Service-Oriented Architectures”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 28, 2009, pp. 448-462.

  15. Umar, A. and Subrahmann, “Ontology-based Network Planning”, International Journal of Business Data Communications, Sept 2008.

  16. Umar, A., “Intelligent Decision Support for Architectures and Integration of Next Generation Enterprises ”, Informatica, V. 31, No. 14, pp. 141-150., 2007

  17. Javed, N. , Javed, A., and Umar, A., “Intelligent Decision Support for Architecture and Integration of Next Generation Enterprises”, Presented at e-Society Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, July 2006

  18. Javed, A. , Javed, N., and Umar, A., “Network Security Design for the Next Generation Enterprises”, Presented at e-Society Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, July 2006

  19. Khalid, K., Javed, A., and Umar, A., “Computer Aided IT Planning for the Next Generation Enterprises”, Presented at e-Society Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, July 2006

  20. Umar, A., et al, “Computer Aided Consulting for SMBs”, IRMA (Information Resource Management Association) Conference, May 2005